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rehabilitate one’s reputation
恢复名誉  detail>>
 vt.  1.使复原;使复权[复职、复位]。  2. 使恢复。 3.改善,复兴,修理。  短语和例子  &n...  detail>>
live up to one’s reputation
不负盛名  detail>>
smear one’s reputation to
抹黑某人  detail>>
rehabilitate rehabilitate
使恢复名誉 使康复  detail>>
of no reputation
默默无闻的  detail>>
of reputation
有名望的  detail>>
 n.  名气,名声,名誉;名望,信誉,声望。 a man of reputation 有名望的人。 a man of no reputation 默默无闻的人;没有声望...  detail>>
reputation for
名声,名气  detail>>
intellectual rehabilitate
智力康复  detail>>
rehabilitate a witness
恢复证人的名誉  detail>>
rehabilitate the economy
恢复经济  detail>>
undeserved reputation; bubble reputation
虚名  detail>>
a grand reputation
大明鼎鼎  detail>>
a notorious reputation
秽名  detail>>
a questionable reputation
值得怀疑的声誉  detail>>
a reputation for amorousness
好色的名声  detail>>
bad reputation
坏名声  detail>>